Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Changing from Pohnpei Met

Greeting from Pohnpei, I am concern about the change made to our Blog. name or Address or whatever you may call it. This is to remind all bloggers that we need to be positive however I need to know the intentions of this and would like to ask all of you to remember that we are all human beings that can be hurt at any time so please let us know ASAP. Who has the rights to make the changes. As far as I know bloggers can always edit if there were mistakes and I don't think we had any mistakes. POHNPEI MET. which means THIS IS POHNPEI.

Thank you


  1. No worries, Florina. Only the admin can change the blog names and setting. It used to be now; now it's Mitaro. But the blog name is already back to Pohnpei Met. You are fine now.

  2. Thank you very much, I just want to make sure that everything is fine.

  3. I have just signed in as one of the bloggers last week. I had hard times trying to create my blog and finally I now writing as one of the bloggers. I want to share what I learned in this course, especially working technology in the classroom. I learned several ways to teach students but only few that I have put into practice. I believe this course is very helpful. There are more ways of using technology in the classrooms but I still to work on them and make sure I master these skills.

  4. Another challenge that I would like to share is learning to use new technology in the classroom. One of the skills that I have been using is making powerpoing presentation. I learned from this course that working on a powerpoint presentation, I need to know the font type and size that is appropriate. I also learned in this class that a power point presentation should not be written down with lot of wording, I must try to make a short and precise presentation. Powerpoint presentation is not a power sentence but it called power point. Powerpoint presentation should not have many wordings because the audiences will get tired of reading wordings in the presentation, so for this reason let us all learn from MJ and apply it.
